vor 3 Monaten
Oświęcim (Ausschwitz)
some months ago I visited the memorial site at Oświęcim (Ausschwitz) in Poland. I shot some pictures of the floor and the walls, everything kept as it had been during the years of terror and genocide. Soon I will place them on my website, here are only a few of them...
Living on the edge
Last week I met a group of men and homeless children living in and around a cementery in Larache, Morocco. The children are collecting water bottles and other stuff from the rubbish dump which is covering the southern part of the highcoast and the beaches of this at first sight charming little city at the Atlantic coast. Abdullah, who cannot stop inflicting pain to himself, and his friends are living in the mausoleums for several years now...
Solidarity with Taksim demonstrators
Albania, landscape
With Ara Güler in Istanbul
First I thought it was one of the typical empty phrases in my travel guide, but just in the moment I ordered a cup of turkish coffee in Café Ara, near Istlikal Caddesi in Beyoglu, Ara Güler, the world famous Magnum photographer and chronicler of his hometown himself saluted the waiter in this crowded coffee shop for which he lent his name. Thank you for inspiring me, Mr. Güler! Check out some of Ara Gülers Istanbul pictures: http://www.araguler.com.tr/aboutaraguler.html
Basket-weaving in Thal, Gars am Inn
"Unser Bestes" - baking bread with Roswitha Huber
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