Some new pictures for my project about new borders in Old Europe: the first one is taken on a new pavemented road near Mitrovica, Kosovo. The woman in the picture spent there the whole night and I found her lying in front of a filling station, she was dehydrated, powerless and unconscious when I stopped to give her some water. The next one is from Mitrovica, Kosovo. Every evening the mothers of the fallen serbian soldiers gather near the bridge mourning over their dead sons. The third picture is also taken in the northern part of Mitrovica, stickers with the portrait of Vladimir Putin are omnipresent in this part of the city, inhabited mainly by serbian population. The next one is also from Mitrovica, every evening the mothers of the fallen serbian soldiers gather near the bridge mourning over their dead sons. The fourth picture is taken during a rehearsal in South Mitrovica and shows the actress Irma Ibrahimi, acting in the play "The visit" of Friedrich Dürrenmatt. The table with the empty cups are the remainings of a conference about breast cancer in the office of the NGO Community Building Mitrovica and the last one with the dog is taken a few meters from the border between Macedonia and Albania.
vor 3 Wochen