
The Myth of Mount Triglav

Last week I had the opportunity to realize a photo essay around the myth of Mount Triglav in Slovenia. The Triglav is the highest peak of Slovenia and the Julian Alps. Its name. The “Three-headed” is surrounded by a complex mythology. Triglav is an ancient Slavic deity, often described as a man with three heads, representing the three kingdoms: heaven, earth and the underworld. There are many legends, one of the most popular is the tale of Zlatorog, the golden-horned chamois, mortally wounded by a young Slovenian hunter. Out of his blood grew beautiful red roses. Before the hunter found Zlatorog, he ate some of these flowers and was instantly healed. The approaching hunter in the end was blinded by the light from Zlatorog´s golden horns and fell of a cliff… But mount Triglav is not only important in legends and mythology, in recent history the mountain became a political and national symbol and is omnipresent in the life of all Slovenes. More histories from the realm of Triglav in the january 2012 issue of Alps Magazine...

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